


Chu did not communicate with local lawmakers about the budget proposals except through official documents, which had little effect on the city’s management, DPP Legislator Lu Sun-ling (呂孫綾) said

“The city government has requested a very large sum — more than half of the total budget of the Forward-Looking Infrastructure Project — but the KMT has occupied the legislative speaker’s podium and demanded that the project be returned. We are genuinely confused,” DPP Legislator Wu Ping-jui (吳秉小額信貸ptt 叡) said.汽車借款ptt

The project must be approved by the legislature, and is aimed at enha青年貸款代辦ncing the nation’s regional development and economic momentum, regardless of the final amount allocated to New Taipei City, he said.

“Chu should discuss the budget proposals with lawmakers rather than asking us to accept them wholesale,” Wu小額信貸利率比較 said.

Later yesterday, the cit青創貸款輕鬆貸計畫y汽車借錢設定 government agreed to the lawmake小額貸款10萬r信用貸款率利計算公式s’ request to meet with Chu to discuss the budget proposals to make a concerted effort to seek Cabinet approval for merging the proposals with 軍人貸款買車the project.

Lawmakers representing New Taipei City yesterday called for swift approval of the NT$882.4 billion (US$29.35 billion) Forward-Looking Infrastructure Development Project and criticized the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) for attempting to block it, saying it contradicted New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu’s (朱立倫) bid to secure funds from the project for city infrastructure.

The city government has not cooperated with local lawmakers to seek support for its hefty budget proposals and Chu, of the KMT, should brief the Cabinet about them, Wu said.

The KMT caucus occupied the main cha小額借款快速撥款m青年購屋貸款試算ber of the legislature yesterday, demanding that the project be returned to the Executive Yuan for reconsideration, a move that DPP lawmakers said was in contradiction with Chu’s bid to develop New Taipei City with the project’s funding.

By前置協商分享 Chen Wei軍公教貸款試算-han / Staff reporter

DPP Legislator Su Chiao-hui (蘇巧慧) urged the KMT not to boycott the project, saying that instead of excluding New Taipei City as the KMT claims, it actually includes the construction of an MRT line connecting the city’s Sansia (三峽) and Yingge (鶯歌) distr汽車貸款利率試算i新竹代書借款cts.

IN THE DARK: New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu has asked for nearly half the total funds of the project, but he has not briefed local lawmakers on his proposals, the DPP said

The budget proposed by the city government is unbalanced, with only NT$2.3 billion pla青年成家貸款專案nned for urban development, but the city is in urgent need of road and parking space construction, DPP Legislator Chang Hung-lu (張宏陸) said.

After the Cabinet submitted the project for legislative review, the New Ta信用貸款利率最低i小額借款利息信用貸款利率2017汽車分期付款條件小額貸款率利試算表pei City Government made several fund requests totaling NT$450.2 billion, including NT$375.6 billion for railway construction, NT$62.7 billion for water infrastructure, NT$9.6 billion for “renewable energy” development and NT$2.3 billion for urban development.小額借款台北缺錢怎麼辦

新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES小額借貸快速撥款
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